姓 名: | 史阳阳 | 性别: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1991.11 |
职 称: | 职务: | 最高学历: | 工学博士 | ||
学科方向: | 控制科学与工程 | ||||
人才计划: | 办公地点: | 6号楼509 | |||
电子邮件: | shiyybit@bit.edu.cn | 联系方式: | |||
通讯地址: | 北京市海淀区威尼斯登录入口官网 | ||||
导师类型: |
2011.09-2015.06 中国石油大学(华东) 机械设计制造及其自动化 本科
2015.09-2017.07 北京航空航天大学 精密仪器及机械 硕转博
2017.09-2021.06 北京航空航天大学 精密仪器及机械 博士
2021.07-至今 威尼斯登录入口官网 威尼斯登录入口官网 博士后
1. Y. Shi, Y. Yu, H. Li, B. Han, X. Liu and X. Chen, "Speed Fluctuation Suppression by Model-Based Feed-Forward Control in Gimbal System With Harmonic Drive," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 6678-6687, June 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3144387.
2. Y. Shi, H. Li and B. Han, "Position Extraction of Ultralow-Speed Gimbal Servo System With Linear Hall Sensors," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 2947-2955, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3066916.
3. B. Han, Y. Shi and H. Li, "Position Estimation for Ultra-Low Speed Gimbal Servo System of SGMSCMG Based on Linear Hall Sensors," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 20, pp. 12174-12183, 15 Oct.15, 2020, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2999781.
4. B. Han, Y. Shi, X. Song, K. Hong and K. Mao, "Initial Rotor Position Detection Method of SPMSM Based on New High Frequency Voltage Injection Method," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 3553-3562, April 2019, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2850318.
[5] Dongfang Li, Zhenhua Pan (Corresponding author), Hongbin Deng. Adaptive path following controller of a multi-joint snake robot based on the improved serpenoid Curve[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 69(4): 3831-3842.
1. 一种陀螺框架伺服系统高精度位置辨识方法[P],韩邦成,史阳阳等,已授权,ZL2017108398453, 2020.10.30
2. 一种电流型双PWM高性能磁悬浮高速电机控制系统[P],韩邦成,史阳阳等,已授权,ZL2017108398453, 2021.4.7
3. 非线性传输力矩模型建模方法及齿轮波扰动力矩抑制方法[P],史阳阳,余远金,刘向东,已受理,202111109290X,2021.9.23