
姓      名: 张百海 性别: 出生年月: 1966.10
职      称: 教授 职务: 校学术期刊中心副主任 最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 控制科学与工程 智能信息处理与控制
人才计划: 办公地点: 国防科技园6号楼1009室
电子邮件: smczhang@bit.edu.cn 联系方式: 68913638
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号
导师类型: 博士生导师






2002.07至今    威尼斯登录入口官网自动控制系、威尼斯登录入口官网教授

2001.04-2001.10 美国密西根州立大学机械工程系高级访问学者

2006.01-2006.04 英国西英格兰大学访问学者

2008.12-2013.11 威尼斯登录入口官网副院长

2013.11-2018.08 校工会副主席

2018.08至今 学术期刊中心副主任



1. 无线传感器网络与工业互联网

2. 系统工程理论与应用

3. 复杂机电系统建模、仿真与优化


1. 复杂地形下大规模移动传感器网络定位技术研究,2016.01-2019.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持。

2. 规模化工业互联网标识新连接平台-PLM方向,2020-2024,国家重大专项、工业和信息化部信息通信管理局,参与。

3. 船联网关键技术研究(2018SDKJ0103),2018-2020,“‘透明海洋’技术创新工程”专项—山东省教育厅科研立项、中国水产科学研究院渔业工程研究所,主持。


1. Xu, Y., Zhang, B., Chai, S., Wang, Y. Resilient and robust H∞ control for event-triggered uncertain semi-Markov jump systems against stochastic cyber attacks. (2022) International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 32 (6), pp. 3847-3871.

2. Sun, X., Zhang, B., Chai, R., Tsourdos, A., Chai, S. UAV trajectory optimization using chance-constrained second-order cone programming. (2022) Aerospace Science and Technology, 121.

3. Bai, Y., Zhao, Z., Wang, X., Jin, X., Zhang, B. Continuous Positioning with Recurrent Auto-Regressive Neural Network for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in GPS Outages. (2022) Neural Processing Letters.

4. Han, S., Zhang, B., Chai, S. A novel auxiliary hole localization algorithm based on multidimensional scaling for wireless sensor networks in complex terrain with holes. (2021) Ad Hoc Networks, 122.

5. Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Chai, S., Cui, L., Yao, F. Research on the scheme of radio cooperative spectrum sensing for offshore ships based on trust degree in Ad Hoc network mode. (2021) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1948 (1).

6. Zhang, J., Chai, S., Zhang, B., Liu, G. Distributed data-driven tracking control for networked nonlinear MIMO multi-agent systems subject to communication delays. (2021) Neurocomputing, 425, pp. 62-70.

7. Zhang, J., Chai, S., Zhang, B., Liu, G. Distributed Model-Free Sliding-Mode Predictive Control of Discrete-Time Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With Delays. (2021) IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.

8. Yan, Z., Chai, S., Yang, L., Zhang, B., Cui, L. MEMS Gyroscope Noise Analysis and Calibration Using Allan Variance and Improved Hann Filter. (2021) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 706 LNEE, pp. 193-202.

9. Zeng, G., Yao, F., Zhang, B. Inverse partitioned matrix-based semi-random incremental ELM for regression. (2020) Neural Computing and Applications, 32 (18), pp. 14263-14274.

10. Luo, J., Chai, S., Zhang, B., Xia, Y., Gao, J., Zeng, G. A novel intrusion detection method based on threshold modification using receiver operating characteristic curve. (2020) Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32 (14).

11. Bai, Y., Wang, X., Jin, X., Su, T., Kong, J., Zhang, B. Adaptive filtering for MEMS gyroscope with dynamic noise model. (2020) ISA Transactions, 101, pp. 430-441.

12. Zhang, J., Chai, S., Zhang, B. Model-based event-triggered dynamic output predictive control of networked uncertain systems with random delay. (2020) International Journal of Systems Science, 51 (1), pp. 20-34.

13. Bai, Y., Wang, X., Jin, X., Zhao, Z., Zhang, B. A neuron-based kalman filter with nonlinear autoregressive model.(2020) Sensors (Switzerland), 20 (1).

14. Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Zhang, H., Xu, J., Bai, Y. Management of algae bloom based on cbr-oss model. (2019) Desalination and Water Treatment, 167, pp. 1-12.

15. Zhang, J., Chai, S., Zhang, B., Liu, G. Relay cooperative tracking control of networked nonlinear multi-agent systems with communication delays: A data-driven method. (2019) Neurocomputing, 363, pp. 9-16.

16. Sun, X., Chai, S., Zhang, B. Trajectory planning of the unmanned aerial vehicles with adaptive convex optimization method. (2019) IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52 (12), pp. 67-72.

17. Gao, J., Chai, S., Zhang, B., Xia, Y. Research about DoS attack against ICPS. (2019) Sensors (Switzerland), 19 (7).

18. Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Jin, X., Bai, Y. Improvements of Multihop Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. (2019) IEEE Systems Journal, 13 (1), pp. 365-376.

19. Zou, W., Yao, F., Zhang, B., Guan, Z. Improved Meta-ELM with error feedback incremental ELM as hidden nodes. (2018) Neural Computing and Applications, 30 (11), pp. 3363-3370.

20. Zeng, G., Zhang, B., Yao, F., Chai, S. Modified bidirectional extreme learning machine with Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization method. (2018) Neurocomputing, 316, pp. 405-414.

21. Elsheakh, Y., Zou, S., Ma, Z., Zhang, B. Decentralised gradient projection method for economic dispatch problem with valve point effect. (2018) IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12 (16), pp. 3844-3851.

22. Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Chai, S., Bai, Y. Cooperative localization with bounding constraints in mobile wireless sensor networks. (2018) IEEE Access, 6, pp. 47011-47025.

23. Wang, F., Zhang, B., Chai, S., Xia, Y. Community detection in complex networks using deep auto-encoded extreme learning machine. (2018) Modern Physics Letters B, 32 (16).

24. Wang, F., Zhang, B., Chai, S., Xia, Y. An extreme learning machine-based community detection algorithm in complex networks. (2018) Complexity, 2018.

25. Du, Y., Zhang, B., Shen, Y., Li, C. The design of low-load human flexibility test system. (2018) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 456, pp. 323-329.


1. 一种三维传感器网络节点定位方法及系统,ZL 2018 1 1542136.X

2. 一种三维传感器节点定位方法及系统,ZL 2018 1 0505934.7

3. 一种超声波三维重建的物料监测系统及方法,ZL 2019 1 1064348.6

4. 一种基于边界条件的节点定位方法及系统,ZL 2018 1 0137395.8

5. 一种被动工控网络拓扑发现方法及工控网络安全管理系统,201911105517.6


1. Chai S., Wang Z., Zhang B., Cui L., Chai R. (2020) Wireless Networks, Springer.

2. 乔枫、朱全民、张百海,复杂动态系统的模糊滑模控制、观测及其应用(英文版) ,威尼斯登录入口官网出版社,2013年。





1. 系统工程导论,32学时,本科生选修课。


1. 彭熙伟、郑戍华、王涛、陈金兵、张百海,流体传动与控制基础(第2版),机械工业出版社,2019年。






1. 指导研究生获威尼斯登录入口官网第十六届“世纪杯”学生课外学术作品校级三等奖


1. 中国兵工学会系统工程专业委员会委员

2. 中国机械工程学会高级会员