

姓      名: 付海岭 性别: 出生年月: 1988.3
职      称: 准聘教授 职务: 最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 模式识别与智能系统
人才计划: 国家级青年人才 办公地点: 6号楼220室


通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号威尼斯登录入口官网6号楼220室
导师类型: 博士生导师


2007.9-2011.7 中国矿业大学 机械工程及其自动化 学士

2011.9-2014.7 西安交通大学 机械电子工程 硕士

2014.9-2018.3 帝国理工学院 电气电子工程 博士

2017.10-2019.8 帝国理工学院 航空系 博士后

2019.9-2023.01 拉夫堡大学 机电与制造工程学院 助理教授、博士生导师

2023.01-今 帝国理工学院 航空系 访问学者

2023.01-今 威尼斯登录入口官网 威尼斯登录入口官网 教授、博士生导师



1. 分布式智能感知理论与应用(可穿戴设备、结构健康监测等)

2. 能量俘获理论与器件设计(非线性理论、智能材料与结构等)

3. 自供电智能感知理论与系统(能量管理与存储、电路设计、能量平衡分析等)



1. 欧盟Horizon Europe和英国UKRI基础研究项目, Transformative Digital Air Vehicle with IoT Sensors for Safer Urban Skies (AVATAR), 2023-02至2026-01, 284万元(390k欧元), 在研, 主持。

2. 英国皇家学会与中国自然科学基金委国际合作项目, Self-powered sensing using rotational micro-generators and ultralow-power electronics for autonomous medical implants, 2022-03 至 2024-03, 10万元, 在研, 主持。

3. 英国皇家学会基础研究项目, Transcutaneous Power and Information Transfer by Ultrasound in Ant-Sized Medical Implants, 2021-03 至 2023-03, 14万元, 在研, 主持。

4. 英国皇家学会与中国自然科学基金委国际合作项目, A Self-Powered Condition Monitoring Scheme for Railway Systems, 2019-03 至 2022-03, 10万元, 结题, 参与。

5. 欧盟Horizon 2020, EnABLES Access Fund, EnABLES MOA 054, Power Management for Hybrid Energy Harvesters, 2020-07 至 2021-07, 16.7万元, 结题, 主持。

6.  欧盟CleanSky2, Structure Health monitoring, manufacturing and Repair technologies for Life Management Of Composite fuselage, 2015-06 至 2022-06, 6700万元, 结题, 参与。

7. 英国工程和自然科学研究委员会, Standard Grant,  Managing Air for Green Inner Cities, 2016-01 至 2021-12, 3500万元, 结题, 参与。


1. H. Fu*, J. Jiang, S. Hu, J. Rao, S. Theodossiades, “Multi-Stable Ultra-Low Frequency Energy Harvester using a Nonlinear Pendulum and Piezoelectric Transduction for Self-Powered Sensing”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 189, 110034, 2023 (IF: 8.934).

2. S. Masabi, H. Fu*, and S. Theodossiades "A bistable rotary-translational energy harvester from ultra-low-frequency motions for self-powered wireless sensing", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 189, 110034, 2022 (IF: 3.409).

3. J. Rao, J. Wang, S. Kollmannsberger, J. Shi, H. Fu*, E. Rank*, “Point cloud-based elastic reverse time migration for ultrasonic imaging of components with vertical surfaces”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022 (IF: 8.934).

4. H. Fu*, X. Mei, D. Yurchenko, S. Zhou, S. Theodossiades, K. Nakano, E. M. Yeatman, “Rotational Energy Harvesting for Self-Powered Sensing”, Joule, 5 (5), 1074-1118, 2021 (IF: 46.048).(高被引论文,Cell子刊)

5. B. Gunn, P. Alevras, J. Flint, H. Fu, S. J. Rothberg, and S. Theodossiades. "A self-tuned rotational vibration energy harvester for self-powered wireless sensing in powertrains", Applied Energy, 302, 117479, 2021. (IF: 11.446).

6. Z. Lu*, F. Zhang, H. Fu, H. Ding, and L.Q. Chen. "Rotational nonlinear double-beam energy harvesting", Smart Materials and Structures, 31 (2), 025020, 2021. (IF: 4.131).(高被引论文)

7. H. Fu, J. Rao*, M. S. Harb, S. Theodossiades. “Ultrasonic Wireless Power Links for Battery-Free Condition Monitoring in Metallic Enclosures”, Ultrasonics, 114, 106395, 2021 (IF: 4.062).

8. H. Liu, H. Fu†*, L, Sun, C. Lee, E. M. Yeatman. “Hybrid Energy Harvesting Technology: From Materials, Structural Design, System Integration to Applications”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137, 110473, 2021. (IF: 16.799).(高被引论文)

9. H. Fu*, S. Theodossiades, B. Gunn, I. Abdallah, E. Chatzi, "Ultra-low frequency energy harvesting using bi-stability and rotary-translational motion in a magnet-tethered oscillator", Nonlinear Dynamics, 101(4), 2131-2143, 2020. (IF: 5.741).

10. H. Fu*, Z. Sharif Khodaei and M. H. Ferri Aliabadi, "An Event-Triggered Energy-Efficient Wireless Structural Health Monitoring System for Impact Detection in Composite Airframes", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, 1183-1192, 2019. (IF: 10.238, ranked 18 of 276 in ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC).(高被引论文)

11. H. Fu* and E. M. Yeatman, “Rotational Energy Harvesting using Bi-stability and Frequency Up-Conversion for Low-Power Sensing Applications: Theoretical Modelling and Experimental Validation”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 125, 229-244, 2019 (IF: 8.934, 4/137 in Mechanical Engineering).(高被引论文)

12. H. Fu*, Z. Sharif Khodaei and M. H. Ferri Aliabadi, "A bio-inspired host-parasite structure for broadband vibration energy harvesting from low-frequency random sources", Applied Physics Letters, 114 (14), 143901, 2019 (IF: 3.971).

13. H. Fu*, Z. Sharif Khodaei and M. H. Ferri Aliabadi, “An Energy-Efficient Cyber-Physical System for Wireless On-Board Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 128, 352-368, 2019 (IF: 8.934).

14. H. Fu*, S. Zhou and E. M. Yeatman, “Exploring coupled electromechanical nonlinearities for broadband energy harvesting from low-frequency rotational sources”, Smart Materials and Structures, 28, 075001, 2019 (IF: 4.131).

15. I. Tabian, H. Fu†, and Z. Sharif Khodaei*, "A convolutional neural network for impact detection and characterization of complex composite structures", Sensors, 22, 4933, 2019. (IF: 3.847).

16. H. Fu* and E. M. Yeatman, “Comparison and Scaling Effects of Rotational Micro-Generators using Electromagnetic and Piezoelectric Transduction”, Energy Technology, 6(11), 2220-2231, 2018 (IF: 4.149).

17. H. Fu* and E. M. Yeatman, “Effective Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using Beam Plucking and a Synchronized Switch Harvesting Circuit”, Smart Materials and Structures, 27, 084003, 2018 (IF: 4.131, Selected Paper from PowerMEMS 2017).

18. H. Fu*, G. Chen, and N. Bai, “Electrode Coverage Optimization for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from Tip Excitation”, Sensors, 18, 804, 2018 (IF: 3.847).

19. H. Fu* and E. M. Yeatman, “A methodology for low-speed broadband rotational energy harvesting using piezoelectric transduction and frequency up-conversion”, Energy, 125, 152-161, 2017 (IF: 8.857).

20. H. Fu* and E. M. Yeatman, "A miniaturized piezoelectric turbine with self-regulation for increased air speed range", Applied Physics Letters, 107, 243905, 2015 (IF: 3.971).

(*通讯作者, †共同第一作者)



1. 秦勇, 付海岭, 张媛, 刘梦洲, 双稳态电磁-压电混合振动能量收集器及自供电感知系统, 2021-2, 中国, 202110160605.7.

2. B. Gunn, P. Alevras, J. Flint, H. Fu, S. J. Rothberg, and S. Theodossiades, “Vibration Energy Harvesting Device”, 2021, GB2111498.8, UK.

3. H. Fu, Z. Sharif Khodaei and M. H. Ferri Aliabadi, “Wireless Passive Sensing Unit”, UK patent, 2018, GB1807629.9.

4. H. Fu, Z. Sharif Khodaei and M. H. Ferri Aliabadi, “System for monitoring a component”, UK patent, 2018, GB1812596.3.

5. 陈光柱, 孟庆春, 付海岭, 自调谐式变频微发电装置及方法, CN103066884B, 中国, 2017.


1. Emerging Leader 2023 Nomination Award, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2023.

2. Best Paper Award, 3rd place in Europe, Middle East, Africa, PowerMEMS 2022, USA.

3. Outstanding Reviewer Award, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021.

4. IOP Trusted Reviewer (IOP值得信赖审稿人奖), 英国物理学会, 2020.

5. Eryl Cadwallader Davies prize, EEE最佳博士论文奖, 帝国理工学院, 2018



Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, 2022.


1. Member of the Advisory Editorial Board at Next Energy (Elsevier) journal, 2022 -

2. Member of the Advisory Editorial Board at Hybrid Advances (Elsevier) journal, 2022 -

3. Research Grant Reviewer for UK EPSRC and UKRI, 2020 -

4. Guest Editor for Special Issue in Smart Materials and Structures, IOP Science, 2022

5. Leading Guest Editor for Special Issue in Journal of Sensors, Hindawi, 2021 - 2022.

6. Technical Program Committee Member for Transducer 2021 (one of the most prestigious conferences in MEMS from IEEE).

7. Organizing Committee Member for PowerMEMS 2021; PowerMEMS-in-Action Chair.

8. Session Chair on Mechatronics for Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensing, IEEE ICM 2023.

9. Session Chair for Sustainable Energy Applications, PowerMEMS 2022, USA, 2022.

10. Session Chair on Wireless Sensing Systems for Structural Health Monitoring in the 2020 and 2022, 10th/11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring.